Rio+20 (13/06/2012) – David Ainsworth from the UN convention on Biological Diversity gives us a guide to the Rio conventions Pavilion. The Conventions Pavilion will allow dialogues and discussions about climate change, biodiversity and sustainable land management, and brings together governments, NGOs, the private sector and partners including the Rio Climate Change TV/Pavilion TV and the IISD who will be providing daily analysis to the talks.
The Pavilion aims to understand how the three environmental agreements, under the UNFCCC, UNCBD and UNCCD – born 20 years ago at the original Earth Summit – can be implemented on the ground.
What have they learnt over the last 20 years? Where can they go from here? What are the challenges they will face? These are the sorts of the questions that will be discussed over the next week and a half in the Rio Conventions Pavilion auditorium.