COP18 (04/12/12) – Fernando Malta, Technical Advisor at the Business Council for Sustainable Development in Brazil says there are two important discussions going on in Doha, those of the Kyoto Protocol and those on the Durban Platform.
On Kyoto he says, while Brazil does not have commitments itself it feels very strongly about the commitments that developed countries should be taking. He says that Brazil was one of the first countries to come forward in 2009 with a voluntary commitment, and a large voluntary commitment of 40%.
He stresses that Brazil is doing their job and expects other countries to do the same.
On the new commitment post 2020 he says Brazilian businesses will be interested to see how much of the burden the country will take. He says many businesses are already being prepared for the post-2020 commitment because the country already has mandatory commitments for seven sectors of industry, accounting for 80-90% of industrial emissions.