Rio+20 (19/06/2012) – Niall Dunne, Chief Sustainability Officer, BT Group talks about the next great industrial revolution – where companies will have to come up with completely new systems for supply and demand, living within the boundaries the planet has set.
He speaks of the phenomenal opportunity for business but says it will depend on ‘coalitions of the willing’ – businesses which are willing to join together and development new systems in an open sourced fashion so that they can be shared with everyone.
He says it will be about trying out different methods and seeing what works and what doesn’t and for big businesses to do that in a way that does not make them cartels but where they are actually sharing lessons with one another – what he calls the problem solving power of networks.
He says after 40 year of negotiations not nearly enough progress has been seen and that it is now up for business to take the lead. He said it is time for sustainability to turn from a niche, passive area to one that ever man, women and child actually cares about.