James is part of the science support group for the African group of negotiators. He is at COP21 to build knowledge and deepen understanding of climate related issues with a focus on climate change agriculture and food security. James tells Climate Home that an analysis of the INDCs shows that nearly 90% reference land use change, agriculture and agroforestry. Nearly 2/3 of these INDC’s propose mitigation and adaptation actions that reference agriculture. Therefore its seem by countries as an important sector and James hopes to see agriculture framed in the emerging deal as a solution to climate change whilst being safeguarded in its role in assuring global food security. James hopes to see accounting and monitoring mechanisms will emerge from COP21 to ensure that targets are met. Finally, James hopes that the deal will include a 1.5 degree target that also ensures African countries access to technology and finance to they can access climate resilient development and embark on a low carbon growth pathway.