Rio Conventions Pavilion TB, CBD COP11 (15/10/2012) – Kartikeya Sarahhai, Founder of the Centre for Environmental Education, discusses how education needs to be integrated with the movement to protect biodiversity.
Sarabhai explains that biodiversity needs to be an integral part of education and that communication, education, public awareness and capacity building are integral to the success of all efforts to conserve the environment.
Sarabhai explains that people working in education held a two day conference alongside COP11 to discuss how education can be tied into the CBD COP process. He says that the COP11 secretariat have been positive but asserts that more does need to be done, as was recommended by their two day conference.
Sarabhai highlights that education is often mentioned by international agreements as it is recognised to be popular, but it is rare that true targets or funding are mentioned.