CBD COP11: Greenpeace India Executive Director's message to PM

CBD COP11: Greenpeace India Executive Director’s message to PM

Rio Conventions Pavilion TV, CBD COP11 (15/10/12) – Samit Aich, Executive Director of Greenpeace India, shares his message to the Indian Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh. Aich asserts that the way mining in India is carried out needs to be completely reassessed. Aich argues that mining is both environmentally and socioeconomically destructive and has caused human rights abuses and massive biodiversity loss across India. He says there is no way that it can keep going as a large resistance is developing in many parts of India. Aich is unequivocal in his belief that forests should never be cut down for mining. He states that a new focus on renewable energy is needed at the highest level of government.