COP19 (16/11/13) – Cornie Huizenga, SLoCaT, and Michael Replogle, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, talk about their role at the negotiations to show what the world is currently doing to move towards sustainable and low carbon means of transport.
They say that in countries like China and the US there is a lot of action happening.
Cornie Huizenga says although China is undergoing a period of rapid economic growth, in Shanghai, a decision was made 15 years ago to de-link economic growth to the number of vehicles on the road. He says that although China faces challenges, he is optimistic about the future of sustainable and low carbon transport in China.
Michael Replogle then talks about how the US is looking at smarter growth, more compact cities and mixed land uses so that people can walk, ride bicycles and take public transportation for their trips.
He says other countries can learn from the US’ successes and mistakes. He says some affluent countries in Europe and Asia are less dependent on cars because it is seen as a healthy choice. He says the US is now beginning to embrace this choice too.
They will both deliver recommendations to the negotiators at the UN Climate Talks about what can be done to accelerate sustainable and low carbon transport across the world.