COP19 (16/11/13) – Nya Alison Murray, Chief Architect at Trac-Car Telemetry Telecommunications, speaks about the role of information and communications technology (ICT) in combating climate change and its affects.
She says ICT has a larger role to play than is currently the case, particularly in disaster risk management. She believes that ICT can help to collaborate international relief efforts.
Another area in which she think ICT is key is for sharing information. She says that currently climate information is a library without a catalogue. ICT can also help to merge the wide level of expertise on climate change.
Climate finance can also be aided by increasing the use of ICT and she speaks of a the potential for small projects being able to apply directly for climate finance online.
Trac-Car is using ICT to do real time emissions measurements with meters and existing data collection tools. This technology can be used on a global scale further seeing the benefits of ICT in mitigating climate change.