COP19 (19/11/13) – Liane Schaletek, Associate Director, Heinrich Böll Stiftung talks about why she is disappointed that adequate progress has not been made in Warsaw on climate finance.
She says developing countries were expecting additional funding to be made available to international climate financial flows at the talks.
Schaletek says earlier commitments, such as the commitment to scale up climate finance to $100 billion by 2020, are still unfulfilled. In addition, there is now no plan to scale up climate finance between 2013-2020.
She says the lack of progress has affected the level of trust in the negotiations as well as the level of ambition and enthusiasm from developing countries.
She says ambitious commitments and concrete steps are now needed, particularly from developed countries.
She adds, climate finance instruments should use a gender sensitive approach which recognises that men and women are affected differently by climate change and have different capabilities to contribute to climate change solutions.