COP19 (22/11/13) – Mattias Söderberg the Chair of the Climate Change Advisory Group at Act Alliance discusses two key areas that still need to be resolved at these talks.
He says that there are still two key areas that need to be resolved before the talks can come to an end.
Loss and damage is a controversial topic, with many negotiating blocks and countries declaring ‘red lines’ around what they are willing to agree to. Söderberg says that there is still hope and that it is possible to find a solution and agreement on language. Developing nations need loss and damage to be recognized at this conference. It is important that it is not merely categorized as adaption but that loss and damage if is recognized on an international stage.
Finance is the other key issue that needs to be resolved. There have already been several pledges to the adaption fund which is positive but countries still need to agree on how finance is going to be scaled up over the next few years.