COP19 (20/11/13) – Claudia Salerno Caldera of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela speaks about the importance of historical responsibility.
She thinks that the talks are going ‘fine’ and that despite having low expectations for this COP things are moving faster than expected. The arrival of ministers this week has aided the progress as they have given guidance to negotiating teams.
Historical responsibility is very important to developing nations as it is one of the principles of the convention. In order for there to be progress, all nations need to recognise and assume all of the principles of the convention.
In terms of leadership, she says that countries need to lead from the front.
Finally she talks about the walk out that occurred yesterday in the loss and damage negotiations. The whole of the G77 and China group walked out. Developed nations are not being asked to pay for their actions but rather the inaction that has aided the loss and suffering of many developing nations.