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GEF: 5th Assembly
Filipino heartthrob joins 1,000km climate walk
GEF 5: Juan Jose Guerra Abud, Minister, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Mexico
GEF 5: Frederic Glanois, Deputy Head of Office, Ministry of Finance, France
GEF 5: Roberto Dondisch, Director-General for Global Isuues, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mexico
GEF 5: Alejandra Torres, Director of International Affairs, Ministry of Environment, Colombia
GEF 5: Gustavo Merino, Director, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), Italy
GEF 5: V. Paul Raja Rao, Secretary & Executive Director, BIRDS, India
GEF 5: Elba Viviana Caro Hinojosa, Minister, Ministry of Development Planning, Bolivia
GEF 5: Delfin Ganapin, Global Manager, UNDP-SGP, USA
Haddijatou Jallow, Executive Chair-Person, Environment Protection, Government of Sierra Leone
GEF 5: Jukka Uosukainen, Director, UNEP, Denmark
GEF 5: Bruce Dunn, Senior Environment Specialist, Asian Development Bank, (RSES), Philippines
GEF 5: Gino Van Begin, Secretary General, ICLEI, Germany
GEF 5: Fernando Lugris, Ambassador and Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Uruguay
GEF 5: Alberto Sandoval, Senior Natural Resources Climate Change, (FAO) Mexico
GEF 5: Ligia Castro, Director Environment, CAF, Colombia
GEF 5: Ephraim Kamuntu, Minister, Ministry of Water and Environment, Uganda
GEF 5: Cyriaque Sendashonga, Global Director, IUCN, Switzerland
GEF 5: Carter Roberts, CEO, WWF, USA
GEF 5: Aaron Zazueta, Chief Evaluation Officer and Team Leader on Impact Evaluation for the GEF
GEF 5: Blanca Jimenez-Cisneros, Director, Division of Water Sciences, UNESCO, France
GEF 5: Magdy Martinez-Salomon, Director, UNDP, USA
GEF 5: Vidal Garza Cantu, Director, FEMSA, Mexico
GEF 5: Robert Dixon, Team Leader of the Climate Change and Chemicals Team, GEF, USA
GEF 5: Gonzalo Merediz Alonso, Executive Director, Amigos de Sian Ka’an AC, Mexico
GEF 5: Manuel Gomez Pena, VP, Sustainability, Walmart, USA
GEF 5: Elwyn Grainger-Jones, Director, IFAD, Italy
GEF 5: Mohamed Abdel Raouf, Research Fellow, Gulf Research Center, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
GEF 5: Gustau Manez, Project Manager, UNEP, France
GEF 5: Pavel Palacios Chavez, Director of Natural Areas, Ministry of Environment, Mexico
GEF 5: Jorge Gustavo Caicedo, CEO, Human Heritage, Mexico
GEF 5: Leonardo Beltran, Deputy Secretariat for Energy Transition, Ministry of Energy, Mexico
GEF 5: Florence Tangban, Green Manager, Carbon Credit Network
GEF 5: Ralph Sims, Coordinating Lead Author, Working Group 3 – Transport, IPCC
GEF 5: Femi Oye, Cofounder, SMEFUNDS
GEF 5: Anand Patwardhan, Coordinating Lead Author, Working Group 2 – Decision-Making, IPCC
GEF 5: Marisa Ortiz Mantilla, Federal Deputy, Congress of the Union, Mexico
GEF 5: Bosco Marti, Head of the International Affairs Unit, Ministry of Finance, Mexico
GEF 5: Rodolfo Lacy, Deputy of Environmental Policy, Ministry of Environment, Mexico
GEF 5: Jose Ramon Ardavin Ituarte, Executive Director, CESPEDES