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Warsaw: COP19 UN Climate Change Conference 2013
COP19: Dadi Zhiou on why China is doing its best to reduce energy consumption
COP19: Du Xiangwan on China’s commitment to reducing emissions
COP19: Svend Søyland on super pollutants
COP19: Alexey Kokorin on Russian climate change attitude
COP19: Iris Flacco on new climate change strategy
COP19: Stella Bianchi on Italy and the European Union
COP19: Sébastien Delahaye on ADB as ‘catalyst for mobilising finance for adaptation’
COP19: Riley McAuliffe on Australia and loss & damage mechanism
COP19: Darcy Gilligan on Australia setting a bad example
COP19: Hoda Baraka explains why civil society walked out on talks
COP19: Peter Bakker presents business solutions for a sustainable world
COP19: David Nussbaum on aligning politics with science
COP19: Edward Helme on public-private financing mechanisms
COP19: University of California students call for oceans to be part of climate debate
COP19: Rachel Hunter on clean cooking in Darfur
COP19: Victoria Trauli-Corpuz on the importance of having indigenous peoples at these talks
COP19: J. Timmons Roberts on why the US is cautious at the talks
COP19: Lakshmi Puri on the empowerment of women
COP19: Philippines seeks legislative aid from Globe International
COP19: Tokyo students undermined by government inaction
COP19: Kevin Anderson on the need to convince policy-makers to bring emissions down
COP19: Agata Bator says Poland lacks climate mitigation ambition
COP19: John Ashe says Parties lack ambition
COP19: Mary Robinson on the ‘fierce urgency of now’
COP19: Bill Hare on why global temperatures will be higher than expected
COP19: Peter Höppe on avoiding the poverty trap
COP 19: Amanda Kardosh, Sustainability Manager, Ecofrotas
COP19: David Sheppard on why Small Island States want urgent action in Warsaw
COP19: Developed countries could derail talks, says Yvo de Boer, KPMG
COP19: Liane Schaletek on lack of progress on climate finance in Warsaw
COP19: Claudia Salerno Caldera on historical responsibility
COP19: Investors choose renewables to help climate says Climate Policy Initiative
COP19: Tim Christophersen on REDD breakthrough in Warsaw
COP19: David Renné on solar’s contribution to a renewable future
COP19: Tarja Halonen, ex-Finnish President on importance of gender eqality
COP19: David Escalera Montes on Mexican composting industry
COP19: Saleemul Huq on why loss and damage needs to be addressed
COP19: Jiang Kejun says China’s emissions will peak by 2025
COP19: Mor Ngom talks about Senegal wish host COP22
COP19: Stefan Gsänger on the promising potential of wind energy